Removing jamf profiles from Mac OS

by Tushar Mathur

I have found jamf to be too interfering and personally very frustrating while installing softwares and changing some system-level settings on my mac. I prefer keeping it disabled whenever possible. Here are the steps I follow that have always worked for me

  1. Begin with restarting your computer.
  2. Keep cmd + R pressed to startup in recovery mode.
  3. Open the Terminal and type the following command to disable System Integrity Protection and then reboot.
    $ csrutil disable
    Successfully disabled System Integrity Protection. Please restart the machine for the changes to take effect.
    $ reboot
  4. Verify integrity protection is disabled.
    $ csrutil status
  5. First uninstall jamf
    $ sudo jamf -removeFramework
    Removing scheduled tasks ...
    Removing self service ...
    Removing JAMF Preference file ...
    Removing JAMF Daemon Log files ...
  6. Next delete all existing profiles.
    $ sudo rm -rf  /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles
  7. Re-enable the integrity protection from rebooting again into recovery mode.
    $ csrutil enable
    Successfully enabled System Integrity Protection. Please restart the machine for the changes to take effect.
    $ reboot