structuring react components

by Tushar Mathur

Rather than making one huge component do everything, have smaller more specialized ones that perform one thing at a time.

Part 1 (The Problem Statement)

So say I want to list out all the repositories of a github user (eg. sindresorhus).

So here I am using the fetch method to make a request to the github’s API getting the response, parsing it to json and setting it on to the state. The fetching is done as soon as the component is about to mount. The render() method is called automatically as soon as the state is updated.

There is a problem though — state which is initially set to null will throw an exception when I will try to access state.repos. So I need to add another condition to the render function 

So far so good. I want to add another functionality now, being able to do a real time search on the repository names.

So I added an input box and attached an event handler for the onKeyUp event. I also keep two lists, repos and fRepos where fRepos represents the filtered list of the repositories.

I want to add one more feature. I want to show text — no repositories found when the repositories don’t match the search input.

So I have added a simple if condition that renders the list if the fRepos.length > 0 otherwise, just show no repositories found.

Okay, this is good, does the job but if you go to the results page, you will see that it also shows the message initially when the repositories are yet to be loaded from the API. I should ideally show a loading... message, till the time the fetch request doesn’t get completed.

Part 2 (Breaking Components)

If you observe the render() function, it pretty messy right now. It tries to render different things on different occasion. This logic will only get complicated unless I decompose the render function.

For example — if I have a component A that renders child components P, Q, R in different combinations, then the logic of rendering them individually can actually lie inside the individual components P, Q, R, instead of their parent A. This helps us achieve single responsibility principle where the render function of A only determines which all components it will mount. Whether they actually render or not is their (P, Q, R) own responsibility.

In our case we can remove all the if conditions from the main Repositories component and create smaller specialized ones that encapsulate when they should render.

To start with the component decomposition, we can create a component called NoRepositories which shows the ‘No Repositories found’ message when the filtered results are empty. Similarly we can create a component UnorderedList which renders only when a list of items is provided to it.

Effectively we got rid of one condition from the render method. We can apply the same concept for the loading message also, by creating a Loading component. The subtle difference here is that, I want to hide input box and the user name, at the time of loading. This can be done by making the content a child of Loading component —

So we have concluded part one of the refactoring where each component decides by it self, when should it be shown and how it should be shown.

Part 3 (Control rendering declaratively)

We removed the if conditions from the render function, to control which child component needs to be rendered and moved it to the render function of the individual child components. Here we will remove all forms of conditional rendering from all the render functions. To do this I will create a decoratorrenderIf.

const toArray = x =>
const renderIf = function() {
  const predicates = toArray(arguments)
  return component => {
    var prototype = component.prototype
    const render = prototype.render
    prototype.render = function() {
      return predicates.every(i => i(this)) ? : null
    return component

The decorator takes in a list of predicate functions and evaluates them with the first param as the current instance of the component. If all the predicates return true, then the component is rendered.

The declarative approach makes it much easier for me to understand the render function’s main responsibility.

I have removed all the if conditions from the code except for the one in the Loading component. To remove it I will again have to split the component into two components viz. — LoadingMessage and LoadingContent, then apply the renderIf decorator.

Part 4 (Make declaratives reusable)

We can write helper functions such as — isEmpty to check if the list is empty and have to check if the property exists on the component. Using lodash it will be much easier to write these helpers. Apart from the original 2 helpers, I have also added their negations — isntEmpty & notHave.