The Universal Theory Righteousness

by Tushar Mathur

This a really old piece of text from when I was in my third year of college, back when I was 19. I had written it with the help of a really close friend, whom I used to love talking to. We talked about philosophy, science and hypothetical situations. She turned out to be the person that I eventually ended up marrying, more on her later, for the time being check out what we came up with first :-)

We often come across trying times of ethical confusion and conflict in our life, times that call for difficult decisions. This is when we look for answers in the established theories, different schools of philosophies, theologies and ideologies. But generally there are conflicting ideas put forth by the different theories. This is where the significance of a ‘Universal Theory’ comes into focus.

A theory, based on a set of universal, eternally precise rules that always tells us what the right thing to do is. That is exactly where the existing theories seem to flaw. They are based on laws and assumptions created by man, the rules that can never satisfy the condition of eternal precision. Natural laws on the other hand are precise and unconditional. Like a Mango Tree always bears a mango. Just as the existing man made laws are designed to drive us towards our social and cultural goals, to use and define the natural laws effectively, we need to know the ethical goal of mankind, the essence of existence and motive of our inception. This is impossible to figure out with our existing knowledge. Hence we need to look for another alternative to derive the Universal Theory of Righteousness. Human priorities differ and it is this difference that accounts for the ethical inconsistencies. So, we need to have the right priorities which means we have to fall back again on the UTR to give us ethically correct priorities. This builds into a cycle where the foundation of the theory depends upon itself.

The existence of UTR will make available a universally right solution to every ethical problem thus bringing about far reaching social changes, but will we ever get there?